Joel McHale flattered to be called gay: If a guy is offended, somethings wrong

A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing movies on demand through all the crap I subscribe to and picked a mindless romcom, Whats Your Number. I was treated to scenes of Joel McHales bare ass within the first ten minutes, which was a true score for me. (The movie itself wasnt worthwhile except for

A couple of weeks ago, I was browsing movies on demand through all the crap I subscribe to and picked a mindless romcom, What’s Your Number. I was treated to scenes of Joel McHale’s bare ass within the first ten minutes, which was a true score for me. (The movie itself wasn’t worthwhile except for some great guest appearances by McHale, Martin Freeman and Anthony Mackie.) I screamed and immediately emailed Kaiser and Bedhead about it. So that’s why I get first dibs on Joel McHale stories. I love him so much and am a huge “Community” fan. (Although it’s getting weak lately, right? I didn’t see last night’s episode yet though.)

McHale’s latest interview, in The Advocate, elevates my opinion of him and I didn’t think that was possible. The entire interview is worth reading, but in the interest of brevity I’m using some excerpts that The Advocate people sent. Go over to their site to read it, it’s worth it. Joel is a very attractive, well-dressed, quick-witted guy and he’s often mistaken for a gay man. He’s kind of flattered by it, though, and says that anyone who is offended by that has something wrong with him. Was he subtly throwing shade on Ryan Seacrest? (Probably not, Ryan is sort-of cool about it too.) Joel has been married for 16 years and has two boys, and he doesn’t mind the gay rumors at all:

The A-List Interview: Joel McHale
The snarky and stylish Community star and The Soup host talks dude crushes, flirtatious gay fans, and the big thing he has in common with Michael Fassbender. Whether he’s cracking wise as host of The Soup or as vain ex-lawyer Jeff Winger on the wacky community college-set sitcom Community, now in its fourth season on NBC, Joel McHale looks good enough to be mistaken for gay. Is it any wonder that men throw themselves at him?

On his boy crush:
Ooh, boy, I have so many. Josh Gad. Brian Williams. Patrick Stewart. Nathan Fillion. Kobe Bryant. Chaz Bono.

On the gay rumors about him because he’s well dressed:
Oh, I still see that on Twitter every day. It’s flattering. I always find it really weird when guys flip out over someone thinking they might be gay. If a guy gets offended by that, there’s something’s wrong with him. I take it as a compliment.

On his shirtless Community scenes:
…I’ll do anything for ratings. I mean, was Michael Fassbender exploited when he did Shame? Because it’s exactly the same thing.

On the support of his gay fans:
Community needs all the help it can get, so thank God for our gay fans. Our young gay fans especially are the loudest and most Internet-savvy. That also speaks to the quality of our show, which I think is highly intelligent.

[From The Advocate]

Kaiser especially loved that Fassbender quote. Oh and I have to mention that Joel was semi-nude in the DVD extras for Ted. (I have to see that, gah.) I would tell you to Google it, but I can share Joel in theory and it’s not NSFW or anything, so here you go. I love that this guy is so cool about his gay fanbase, I wish everyone thought this way. I’ll include one additional quote from this interview that I can’t pass up.

What’s the best way for a straight man to handle [getting hit on in a gay bar]?
“Just a very quick, courteous bl*wjob.”

Joel and his lucky wife in January. I would say something rude, but I can’t. They look sweet like they belong together.

Other gratuitous photos

Update! By request, here are photos of Joel and his wife, Sarah Williams, with their two boys in 2011.

Photo credit: NBC, Emmy Mag and

