Who Won Survivor Kaoh Rong Tonight 5/18/16?

Who won Survivor tonight? Survivor Season 32, Kaoh Rong: Brawns vs. Brains vs. Beauty wraps tonight, May 18 2016 when Jeff Probst announces the winner and results live of wholl become known as the Survivor of Kaoh Rong. Four finalists are in competition to win the $1 million grand prize, who do you think will

Who Won Survivor Kaoh Rong Tonight 5/18/16?

Who won Survivor tonight? Survivor Season 32, Kaoh Rong: Brawns vs. Brains vs. Beauty wraps tonight, May 18 2016 when Jeff Probst announces the winner and results live of who’ll become known as the Survivor of Kaoh Rong. Four finalists are in competition to win the $1 million grand prize, who do you think will win? Will it be Aubry Bracco, Tai Trang, Cydney Gillon or Michele Fitzgerald? Let us know down below in the comments!

This season has been interesting because the cast featured players initially divided into three tribes of six based on dominant attribute: “Brains” (intelligence), “Brawn” (athleticism), and “Beauty” (attractiveness and charisma).Who was able to Outwit, Outplay, and Outlast in this season?

The live recap includes the two-hour episode of final eliminations and challenges in Kaoh Rong along with the four final Tribal Council sessions and final jury voting. This begins at 8:00 PM EST and then CBS’s LIVE airing of Who Won Survivor: Kaoh Rong: Brawns vs. Brains. Vs Beauty– Season 32 begins at 10:00 PM EST with the winner reveal then reunion show and Survivor Season 33 announcement.

The fun begins at 8:00 PM EST and then CBS’s LIVE airing of Who Won Survivor: Kaoh Rong Brawns vs. Brains vs. Beauty – Season 32 begins at 10:00 PM EST with the winner reveal then reunion show and Survivor Season 33 announcement.

Tonight’s episode begins now – Refresh Page often to get the most current updates!

#SurvivorFinale picks up back in LA and Tai, Aubry and Michele are front and center. Jeff says this is social politics in the jungle. The votes are Michele, Aubry, Aubry, Michele, Michele, Michele. Michele wins it!

Now it’s time fo the reunion talk. We see a look back at Michele’s social game and last two wins. Jeff says the reunion shows go fast and says the three finalists have different approaches. Michele says she played a social game not on emotion but on getting to know people on a personal level.

Jeff says she played in the middle and she says it’s dangerous and you have to know who to trust and the vibe shifts and to be calm and feel the shift so you can make a move. Jeff says what helped her is that she was an underdog because of the group she was in at the start.

Michele says Julia and Nick said she came in weak and Nick said she needed to prove she was intelligent. She says brain and brawn come in smart and touch and says she dumbed herself down for Nick but came out fighting when she had to.

Jeff says no one grew more in this game than Aubry. We see Aubry at the start and how tough she got to be by the end. Jeff asks her to explain how she got so overwhelmed at the start. Aubry says she loves the show but there’s so much to process.

She says you’re crying in the shelter before you know it. Jeff shows one of her twitter posts and she did a pic of herself next to one of Cochran. He’s there tonight. She says Cochran is her Survivor spirit animal and is good at knowing how to fit into a group.

Jeff says a lot of fans appreciated her showing her truth. She says a lot of people told her they would act like her and says it was the best experience of her life and super-humbling. Jeff then says sometimes they have a player that’s so unique they make an archetype that’s new.

He says they’ve never had anyone like Tai. Jeff says so many fans got behind the spirit he brought to the show. He says he has so many people approach him and kiss him and love him. He says Survivor scared him and says he wanted to be who he is.

He says Survivor strips you down and you’re cold and hungry. He says all living things matter to him and everything has meaning. Someone yells an interrupts. It’s Sia. She’s in the crowd and comes up. Jeff hugs her. Jeff says she’s a fan of Survivor.

Jeff says he doesn’t know what this is. Sia says she couldn’t let Tai go on without saying she inspired him and she’s giving $50k to him and to his choice of animal charity and thanks him for showing America how to be kind to animals. Tai comes over to hug her.

The audience does a standing ovation. Jeff asks if this is a fan favorite thing. Sia says Sprint used to do a fan favorite and she wanted to do it for Keith but was too chicken to come on and this year, she watched Tai and it was a weird journey for him but he showed his humanity.

She says when he admitted he was scared, that was powerful to her that he told the truth and calls him a teacher. Jeff says he loves this. Tai thanks her and says we can’t be so human–centric or we’ll be doomed. Tai is speechless. Jeff says he is too.

Jeff tells them to hug it out and he goes to see someone in the audience. It’s Drew Carey. Drew says he has no money to give and left his wallet in the car. Drew had some former Survivors on to play Price is Right along with some other reality show contestants.

Drew says they put them on the show to see how they do playing another game. Jeff says it was really fun and Drew says it’s amazing to see how their minds worked. It’s on Monday May 23, and is a prime time special.

Jeff says this is why live television is great because you don’t even know what happens. He says this is beautiful and didn’t know if he did the right thing and then goes back to hug Sia again.

Now we take a look at all the medical problems this season. Neal, Joe and Caleb were all evacuated. Jeff says that scared him when Caleb had to go out. Caleb says he feels great and is 100% now. Caleb says he remembers the challenge up until he won the game then he went down.

He says he was so excited with relief then the trees were spinning and says he collapsed and that’s the last thing he remembers. Jeff says he was down for 10 minutes. Jeff says it was chaos. Caleb says he saw Jeff’s face for a second then he woke up on the helicopter.

Jeff asks Caleb what it was like watching with his family. He says he had to call his mom and tell her he had a heat stroke and that’s all. He says his family hasn’t seen him like that gasping for air. He says it looked bad and says his mom was bawling then he started crying because he’s a mama’s boy.

Caleb says he was a hot mess. Jeff then introduces Dr Joe Rowles and he says Caleb was the sickest person they ever looked at. Jeff says Joe wasn’t even talking and Joe says he was just working hard to focus on Calen and couldn’t think about the show.

Jeff says Dr Joe is an adventure guy and asks about Neal and Joe and pulling them out. Joe says the last thing they want is to take someone out and don’t do it lightly. He says if it’s a threat to long term health, they have to pull them. Dr Joe says he loves watching them play.

He says he feels bad when they have to take them out. Jeff says it was the biggest play and it was David vs Goliath when Tai said no to the super idol play. Jeff says social media was on fire the night Tai refused to use the super idol.

He asks Tai when he decided and he says he knew the night before but it’s still difficult to stand up to two giant guys. He says he woke up in the middle of the night and talked to Aubry about it.

He says Aubry talked him through it. Scot claps him on the back. Jeff asks Jason why give Scot the idol beforehand. He says the had the necklace and wanted Scot to feel safe. Jeff says trust is elusive. Scot says Tai did lose his vote in that moment.

Jeff says Debbie is such an entertaining player and asks if she felt the arc of people going from she’s a nut to she had a shot to win. Debbie says sanity is overrated. She says everyone was smart and dumb, weak and strong. He asks if she knew people saw her as odd. She says it’s eccentric, not odd.

He asks her to list off the thinks she’s done. She rattles off a list of insane things including the military, juggling, modeling, acting, horses, and more. Jeff asks Joe about getting it done at 71 and says why Survivor at your age.

Joe says it was a challenge and he knew he could do it and they gave him a shot. He thanks Jeff. Then Jeff talks about Julia being so young she lied about her age. She says when she was alone on brawn beach, it threw her and she had to decide if it would drag her down or feed her fire.

Jeff then brings up Mark the chicken and says there was one named Jeff they ate. Jeff says Mark the chicken was named after Mark Burnett and he loves that Tai talked them into not eating that chicken. Then Jeff talks about the next season and they have a sneak peek next.

Jeff tells us about the 33rd season of Survivor and says they have the greatest location in Fiji and says it’s his favorite. He says the theme is amazing. The theme is Millennials vs. Gen X. We see a glimpse at the two different sides talking trash about each other.

Jeff says the Survivors this season were amazing and next season will be great. Last, Jeff mentions the SurvivorAuctions.com to buy props from this season and it goes to their cancer charity.


