Anderson Cooper wont inherit any of mom Gloria Vanderbilts $200 million fortune

If you have ten minutes today, just spend some time perusing Gloria Vanderbilts Wiki page. Glorias life has been surrounded by scandal, controversies, artists, royalty and unimaginable wealth and privilege. When she came of age, she inherited a fortune, but she also built her own empire of clothing, fragrances, china, linens and sundries. She has


If you have ten minutes today, just spend some time perusing Gloria Vanderbilt’s Wiki page. Gloria’s life has been surrounded by scandal, controversies, artists, royalty and unimaginable wealth and privilege. When she came of age, she inherited a fortune, but she also built her own empire of clothing, fragrances, china, linens and sundries. She has been married four times, has four children and she also had a string of famous lovers (she banged Marlon Brando and Frank Sinatra). One of her surviving children is CNN’s Anderson Cooper, of course. Anderson is the youngest of her children, and they are reportedly very, very close.

So with all of the scandal and tragedy that has haunted Gloria Vanderbilt throughout her life, you’d think that she would want to bring her children even closer to her and help them build their own fabulous lives, partly bankrolled by her wealth, right? Not so much. Anderson Cooper was on Howard Stern yesterday, and Coop said that Gloria will not be leaving him any money when she passes:

No inheritance for Anderson! CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, who comes from the Vanderbilts, one of the wealthiest families in American history, said Monday, March 31, that he will not be receiving any fortune from his mother Gloria Vanderbilt.

“My mom’s made clear to me that there’s no trust fund,” Cooper told Howard Stern on his radio show. “There’s none of that.”

Cooper’s mom is the great-great-granddaughter of railroad and shipping mogul Cornelius Vanderbilt. Still stunning at 90 years old, the Manhattan socialite and former denim designer is reportedly worth a whopping $200 million.

Gloria’s equally-successful son, however, told Stern he was okay with not receiving an inheritance at all. “I don’t believe in inheriting money,” he said. “I think it’s an initiative sucker. I think it’s a curse.”

Cooper explained, “Who has inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in their own life? From the time I was growing up, if I felt that there was some pot of gold waiting for me, I don’t know that I would’ve been so motivated.”

Today, the reputable journalist, 46, has become a household name on his own. The CNN personality, nicknamed the “Silver Fox” by fans, reportedly rakes in $11 million a year through his contact with the network.

“I’m doing fine on my own, I don’t need any [money],” he told Stern.

While Cooper had a privileged upbringing in Manhattan, the Yale grad has mentioned he was unfazed by his wealthy background — in part, due to his father, Wyatt Emory Cooper. “I’ve never paid attention to it, honestly,” Cooper said of the Vanderbilt family’s wealth.

“My dad grew up really poor in Mississippi… I paid attention to that because I thought that’s a healthier thing to pay attention to than like some statue of a great-great-great-grandfather who has no connection to my life.”

[From Us Weekly]

“Who has inherited a lot of money that has gone on to do things in their own life?” Well, his mom inherited money and did a lot with her life, don’t you think? I can see why Anderson feels the way he feels and perhaps he sees himself as almost entirely self-made, but let’s be real: being the son of Gloria Vanderbilt totally opened doors for him. He wouldn’t have been able to maintain his career if he couldn’t deliver on his own, for sure, but his family connections and access to a stellar education are worth their weight in gold.

So what will happen with Gloria Vanderbilt’s money? Will she leave it all to Kathy Griffin?!

Photos courtesy of Getty, WENN.

