Scott Stapp arrested on domestic battery charge

It was only a matter of time. The asshole who is best known for starring in a skeevy unreleased sex tape with Kid Rock and some groupies on a tour bus, former Creed frontman Scott Stapp, was arrested in his home in Florida on Sunday. Scott Stapp, 33, was charged with domestic assault for throwing

It was only a matter of time. The asshole who is best known for starring in a skeevy unreleased sex tape with Kid Rock and some groupies on a tour bus, former Creed frontman Scott Stapp, was arrested in his home in Florida on Sunday. Scott Stapp, 33, was charged with domestic assault for throwing a bottle of Orangina at his wife at around 8:00 am when he got home from a drunken all nighter and she confronted him.

He missed, but his wife said she feared for her life and that he threw the bottle at her face:

According to the police report, Stapp’s wife, Miss New York USA 2004, Jaclyn Nesheiwat Stapp, claims that she called 911 after Scott stumbled into their $5 million mansion around 8:00 AM and got “very angry” when she asked if he was “using drugs.” Jaclyn told police that Stapp began yelling at her to “leave him alone,” before he grabbed an Orangina bottle and launched it at her face, nearly hitting her.

When cops arrived, they found the shattered bottle … and several handguns locked in a safe. According to the report, “Scott was very cooperative” about handing over the firearms, which were immediately confiscated. One of the responding officers claims that Stapp did admit to throwing the bottle, but the former Creed frontman also said, “Jaclyn was no where in the area.”

Stapp was then arrested on suspicion of domestic assault with intent to commit a felony. After spending a night behind bars, a judge lowered the original booking charge to a misdemeanor. Now, the case is in the hands of the State Attorney, who has 30 days to charge the rock star or reject the case.

Stapp was in court today and the judge ruled that he cannot return home to his mansion or contact his wife. He must take random drug tests and is not allowed to drink or take drugs.

To make matters worse, Scott’s wife, Jaclyn Nesheiwat, had a baby girl in January of this year. That means he has a four month old baby at home and he’s crawling in at 8:00 a.m. and throwing shit at his wife when she asks him if he’s been doing drugs.

Police seized a bunch of locked guns from Stapp’s house, but he was cooperative and did not unlock the guns or reportedly threaten his wife with them. In an interview with Rolling Stone, he described an incident in 2003 when he tried to quit prescription drugs cold turkey, wanted to commit suicide, and opened up his gun cabinet. Instead of shooting himself, he says “I just turned and shot the house up. And I just broke down. I was like, ‘I was about to blow my head off. How low can I get?'”

Ironically his wife is the PR director for a charitable foundation in her husband’s name, The Scott Stapp Foundation, whose mission is to “bring hope to children in crisis, poverty, hunger and illiteracy with arms wide open.” The Chicago Tribune says that the foundation also strives to “support healthy parent-child relationships.” That’s best achieved by sober parents who stay at home and don’t throw shit. And if he had trouble with guns in the past, he should have ditched them long ago.

Scott Stapp and his wife are shown at a January, 2005 Muscular Dystrophy Association event before they were married. Header photo from Photorazzi. Stapp’s recent mugshot photo from TMZ.

