Gwen Stefanis kids dont care about her job, but like that she knows celebrities

Whenever I feel bad about my kid not thinking Im cool despite my awesome job I think about all the celebrities whose teenagers also dont consider them cool. Ive heard this from so many celebrities, but I remember that Liev Schreiber said his kids dont think much of him, but that he earned dad points

Whenever I feel bad about my kid not thinking I’m cool despite my awesome job I think about all the celebrities whose teenagers also don’t consider them cool. I’ve heard this from so many celebrities, but I remember that Liev Schreiber said his kids don’t think much of him, but that he earned dad points when he was on SNL and was able to introduce them to Lil Wayne. (His SNL episode was so good!) So your kids can think your friends or the people you know are cool, just not you. Gwen Stefani was on Seth Meyers recently. He asked how her kids, who are 13, 11 and 5, feel about her music. She said the older two don’t really care about what she does except when she can get them in touch with other celebrities.

On her big break and how she wouldn’t make it on The Voice
We were in the garage for 9 years making music we knew would never get on the radio. Then one day wrote a song called Just a Girl I thought nobody would ever hear and it got on the radio. Anytime anyone listens to my music it just brings me so much joy.

“How do you kids feel about your music?”
They don’t really care about me. They ask “mom do you have Ellen’s [number]? I want to play Fortnite with Ninja.”

[From Late Night with Seth Meyers via Youtube]

Gwen is promoting the end of her Vegas show, which has been running for two years. She got so happy talking about it and clearly loves doing it. I was impressed by that part and with how gracious she was about her fans. She said her favorite part was talking to the audience, which was cute.

Gwen was also on Fallon, where she had on a crazy wig which made her look like Janice from the Muppets. Her face isn’t looking as altered now, I’ll give her that. She was great at promoting her show ending and gave away tickets to everyone in the audience She also said Zuma, 11, is a little organizer and works with the backstage crew on her shows.

On Fallon they played the clip where Blake couldn’t identify Hollaback Girl in his last appearance on the show, which was funny. Blake and Gwen have been together for four years now! I’ve heard that Blake gets along really well with Gwen’s kids, and you can tell that it’s important to her to bring them with her when she’s working. It’s not like she’s talking about how hard it is to balance everything, she just wishes her kids would appreciate her more. A lot of parents can relate to that!

Here’s Gwen’s interview on Seth Meyers:



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